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Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban    

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Artbox Entertainment
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 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Basic Set
Related Albums:
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Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Stickers
http://www.artboxent.com/checklist.php?pID=186, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Trading Cards, What to Collect:, 90 Base Cards, 9 Chase Cards - Hobby, 4 Box Toppers, 3 Case Toppers, 10 Autograph Cards, 7 Costume Cards, 9 Prop Cards, 6 Promo Cards, 2 Case Incentive and Show Cards, Base Cards, # Description # Description , 1 Title Card 46 Repelling a Boggart™ , 2 Harry Potter™ 47 Signed Permission Forms , 3 Ron Weasley™ 48 Permission to Leave Refused , 4 Hermione Granger™ 49 A Goodbye to His Friends , 5 Sirius Black™ 50 Discussing Harry's Boggart™ , 6 Remus Lupin 51 The Portrait Attacked! , 7 Peter Pettigrew 52 In the Great Hall , 8 Sibyll Trelawney 53 Snape's Werewolf Lesson , 9 Severus Snape™ 54 Draco's New Taunt , 10 Rubeus Hagrid™ 55 The 'Moth' Parchment , 11 Albus Dumbledore™ 56 After the Quidditch™ Match , 12 Minerva McGonagall™ 57 Setting Hedwig™ Free , 13 Draco Malfoy™ 58 Near the Shrieking Shack , 14 Nevill Longbottom™ 59 A Mysterious Attack , 15 Cornelius Fudge 60 The Invisibility Cloak , 16 Argus Filch 61 Madam Rosmerta's Inquiry , 17 Vincent Crabbe 62 In the Three Broomsticks , 18 Gregory Goyle 63 A Most Wanted Wizard , 19 A Visit From Aunt Marge 64 Lupin's Conjuring Lesson , 20 Harry Loses His Temper 65 Producing a Patronus , 21 Aunt Marge Inflates 66 Checking With Sir Cadogan , 22 Floating Into the Sky 67 The Three Friends Argue , 23 Leaving the Dursleys 68 Peril of the Marauder's Map , 24 Something in the Shadows 69 Threatening Draco , 25 The Knight Bus™ Appears 70 Hagrid's Hut , 26 Boarding the Knight Bus™ 71 A Hasty Retreat , 27 Arriving at the Leaky Cauldron™ 72 Hiding Amongst the Pumpkins , 28 A Chat with Cornelius Fudge 73 The Executioner's Task , 29 The Monster Book of Monsters 74 Sirius and Lupin , 30 Inside the Leaky Cauldron™ 75 The Truth Revealed , 31 Greeted by Ron and Hermione 76 Scabbers™ Transformed! , 32 Learning About Sirius Black™ 77 Holding Pettigrew and Snape™ , 33 A Dementor™ Appears 78 Pettigrew's Escape , 34 Return to Hogwars™ 79 Night of the Werewolf , 35 The Choir Sings Out 80 Beast Against Beast , 36 Welcoming the Students 81 Dementors™ at the Black Lake , 37 Magical Creatures Class 82 Watching Time Replayed , 38 Hagrid's Class 83 Rescuing Buckbeak™ , 39 Draco Taunts Harry 84 Dumbledore's Diversion , 40 Introducing Buckbeak™ 85 Has Harry Seen His Dad? , 41 A Ride on Buckbeak's Back 86 Saved From the Dementors™ , 42 Clawed by Buckbeak™ 87 Freeing Sirius Black™ , 43 Sirius Black™ Sighted! 88 A Farewell From Sirius , 44 Professor Lupin's Class 89 Leaving the Map Behind , 45 Teaching 'Riddikulus' 90 Checklist , Chase Cards - Hobby, # Description # Description , R1 R6 , R2 R7 , R3 R8 , R4 R9 , R5 , Box Toppers, Description , BT1 Gryffindor BT3 Slytherin , BT2 Hufflepuff BT4 Ravenclaw , Case Toppers, CT1 Title , CT2 Dementor , CT3 Sirius Black Wanted Poster , Autograph Cards , A1 Emma Watson as Hermione Granger , A2 David Thewlis as Remus Lupin , A3 James Phelps as Fred Weasley , A4 Oliver Phelps as George Weasley , A5 Matthew Lewis as Neville Longbottom , A6 Bonnie Wright as Ginny Weasley, A7 Michael Gambon as Albus Dumbledore , A8 Robert Hardy as Cornelius Fudge, A9 Gary Oldman as Sirius Black , A10 Julie Christie as Madam Rosmerta (redemption) , Costume Cards, C1 Danielle Radcliffe as Harry Potter (robe) , C2 Rupert Grint as Ron Weasley™ (robe) , C3 Danielle Radcliffe as Harry Potter (robe) , C4 Emma Watson as Hermione Granger™ (robe), C5 Danielle Radcliffe as Harry Potter (shirt) , C6 Emma Watson as Hermione Granger™ (jacket), C7 Oliver Phelps as Gearge Wealey (Quidditch Robe), Prop Cards, # Description # Description , P1 Chocolate Frog™ P6 Black Pepper Imps , P2 Zonko's Bag P7 Exploding Bon Bons , P3 Spindle's Lick 'O' Rish Spiders P8 The Daily Prophet™ , P4 Honeydukes Bag P9 Permission Form , P5 Dervish and Banges Bag , Promo Cards, # Description # Description , 1 Promo01 4 Promo04 , 2 Promo02 5 Promo05 , 3 Promo03 6 Promo06 , Case Incentive and Show Cards, # Description # Description , Ci1 Honeydukes Candy (10 Case) Ci2 Pear Tree Leaves (25 Case)
6 as of 03/13/2025 02:01:15 AM
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<- Sticker Swaps coded by Lotus Notes Consultant Adam Foster using Lotus Notes Edit
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